Studenten, lesgevers, geïnteresseerde, … focusing Internationaal wil je graag leren kennen.
Dear Coordinators, Coordinators-in-Training and Focusing Trainers,
We are writing to you on behalf of the Membership Committee which has been working on a new Project called Hello Hello. We would like to have your help to reach students or people you know who are in contact with Focusing and are not yet members of TIFI.
The idea of Hello Hello is to connect with those people that know Focusing, maybe just having their first steps in their training or practicing it for a while, but who are alone and looking to join our international community. The project is about reaching out and knowing the people that are out there. We really want to hear from them, what they are doing, how they found Focusing and what matters to them.
We would like to ask you to help us to spread the invitation to whom you think could be interested. Attached are the flyers of our very first meeting that is going to be held in Spanish, English and German on Zoom.
We are looking forward to meeting new people. This is really important to us, to hear how Focusing is spreading around the world and please, if you have any question or issue you might like us to hear about, contact us by email to
Monika Lindner and Mariana Písula